Pedestrian Audible Signals along the Valley Line Southeast LRT

Accessibility is a key element of the Valley Line Southeast! All pedestrian crossings along the Valley Line Southeast have countdown timers and optional audible pedestrian signals. To cross, push the button.  If you want to activate the audible crossing feature, hold it down for a few seconds. 

You will hear either the familiar “chirping” sound indicating it is safe to cross the road, or in some cases you will hear a “melody” sound that is new to the City of Edmonton indicating it is safe to cross the tracks only. The “melody” sound is featured at some of the rail crossings and is separate from the roadway crossing.

The new melody sound is featured at the following crossings along the Valley Line Southeast:

* 95 Ave & Connors Rd
* 83 St & 84 Ave
* 83 St & Whyte (82) Ave
* 75 St & McIntyre Rd
* 75 St & Roper Rd
* 75 St & 51 Ave
* 66 St & 41 Ave
* 66 St & 38 Ave
* Pedestrian crossing south of 66 St & 38 Ave
* 66 St & 36A Ave
* 66 St & 34 Ave
* 66 St & 31 Ave
* 66 St & Firehall acc
* 66 St & 28 Ave
* 28 Ave & Commercial access west of Mill Woods Stop

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